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Thanks for your telemarketing report

Thank you very much for filing a report! In this short video we explain what we do with your report.

What will we do with your report?

Before we, the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM), are able to take any action, we first need to assess whether a company has truly violated the rules. Since we receive a lot of reports, we cannot investigate each and every company about which we receive such reports. Your report helps us determine which companies we need to investigate. If an investigation reveals that a company has violated the rules, we will subsequently decide what follow-up steps are needed. For example, we confront that company with the violation we established. If the company then fails to end the violation, we will take action, for example by warning consumers or by imposing a fine on the company.

Will you hear anything from us about your report?

If we have any questions about your report, we will contact you (if you have given your consent). Unfortunately, we are unable to give you personal updates about your report. If word got out about what companies are under investigation, our investigations could be jeopardized. After the investigations, we disclose in our press releases, published on our website, the names of the companies that we have dealt with.

More information?

On our website, you can also find information about your rights as consumers. In some situations, a company may still call you, even if you did not give your consent, for example if you currently are or have been a customer of that company.

If you no longer wish to be called by a company, explicitly say during the call that you no longer wish to be called by that company. The company can then no longer call you in the future. This is referred to as the right to object. On our site, we explain this right in greater detail, and we offer you practical, useful tips.

If the information on our website does not cover your specific situation, we are more than happy to help you. If you contact us, we will give you free advice regarding your rights and discuss potential follow-up steps. Please keep in mind that we cannot act as mediators. This means that we do not contact companies to find solutions to your personal problems.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.